

水活亮白精華素(Radiance Moisturizer Serum)

Effective ingredients can make your skin radiate and can retain the moisture in your skin. You will see great improvement after two weeks. It’s particularly good for use after you stay in the sun all day because it can effectively prevent black spots on your face. It’s even more effective when applied with the All in One Mask. (30ml NT$780)  !
Ingredients: Arbutin, Placenta Element, Scutellaria Baicalensis Georgi, Hyaluronic Acids, Yeast Extract, Mulberry Extract Elastins

有效的亮白保濕成分能有效亮白肌膚並保持肌膚水嫩,亮白保濕一次到位,使用約兩周後可以感覺肌膚明顯改善,尤其在日曬後使用,能有效阻止暗斑形成。搭配全方位面膜使用效果更佳。(30ml原價780元) !




緊緻活顏精華素(Anti-Wrinkle Serum)


Precious Elastin Extract can produce more active cells, slowing the aging process- especially effective for those tiny wrinkles on your face, forehead and eye-corners in particular. This product can lift your face so that you would have the wisdom of forty years but would not look forty years old. (30ml NT$780) !

Ingredients: Placenta Element, Scutellaria Baicalensis Georgi, Hyaluronic Acids, Yeast Extract, Mulberry Extract, Conchiolin Elastins






水潤淨白乳霜(Radiance Moisturizer Cream)


Squalene and natural floral extract can effectively solve the problems of dark complexion and spots, improving the itchiness from dehydration of our face. It can nourish our skin with moisture and nutrition, making your face radiate, firm, and elastic. (30ml NT$680)  An order of five or more items gets a better price!
Ingredients: Arbutin, Squalene, Hyaluronic Acids, Chamomile, Mulberry Extract Elastins, Vitamin E, Aloe Extract, Rose Essential Oil


深海鮫魚精華與有機天然植素萃取,有效淡化膚色不均、斑點暗沉等擾人問題,改善肌膚乾燥、缺水、搔癢等狀況,給肌膚注入滿滿的水分與養分,提供肌膚細胞新生的營養,讓肌膚緊緻、水嫩、光采有彈性。(30ml 原價680元) ,含5支)另有優惠喔!




Refreshing Radiance Moisturizer


Effective ingredients of Dioscorea Opposita Extract, L-Arginine, and Ginkgo Biloba Extract restores youthful-looking skin. They renew, tone your skin and infuse moisture at the same time. They lighten your skin by reducing the intensity of dark spots, giving you smooth and supple skin. This cream evens out your skin and makes all the problems of acne, dark spots, wrinkles, and lack of hydration disappear, keeping your skin healthy and firm. If your skin needs more hydration but you hate oily products, this one is your best choice.(30ml NT$680)


Ingredients: Dioscorea Opposita Extract, L-Arginine, Ginkgo Biloba Extract, Ginseng Extract, Nerolina, Vitamin E


對於因荷爾蒙引起的肌膚問題有極好的效果,斑點、暗沉、痘痘、粉刺。改善皮膚粗糙、油膩,但卻又乾燥缺水。一次解決讓妳煩擾的肌膚問題,重拾水潤,不泛油光。山藥萃取,改善因荷爾蒙問題所引起之面皰、粉刺、斑點、暗沉。精胺酸,修護細胞膜,提高細胞自我修護功能,改善敏感、面皰、粉刺等問題。銀杏萃取,防止肌形成色素斑塊,改善肌膚晦暗、斑點,促進肌膚微細血管循環,預防肌膚老化、細紋。人蔘萃取,提高肌膚代謝,改善膚質細緻。桉油醇,改善肌膚發炎現象、舒緩過敏,促使肌膚油水平衡。維生素E,預防肌膚老化,使膚質年輕健康。(30ml 原價680元)



抗敏活齡霜Anti-Aging Comforting Revitalizer

Anti-Aging Comforting Revitalizer This revitalizing cream is not only perfect for extremely delicate and sensitive skin but also repairs damaged skin due to unsuccessful cosmetic laser surgery and chemical peel. Daily application of this precious formula of pure herbs can soothe your sensitive skin, reduce visible wrinkles and expression lines, and make your skin stay elastic and firm. Its lasting effect will earn your best positive feedback. (70ml NT$1280) An order of five or more items gets a better price! Ingredients:Neroli、LavenderFrankincense、Geranium、Rose、Rosewood、Rosemary、Helichrysum、Nobilis、Rose de Jéricho、Avocado、Asiatic Pennywort、Rosehip Oil

對於受損脆弱、極度敏感、微血管擴張、皮層薄、老化皺紋、果酸換膚、雷射術後的完美修護霜。珍貴的草本植物配方,能解決肌膚受損、極度敏感等問題,撫平細紋,使肌膚緊緻、光澤、年輕有彈性。復活草的功用是活化、再生、修護肌膚,可以保存最少100年,當它重新獲得水份後,能在數小時內復活。蠟菊,又稱不凋花或永久花,能促進細胞再生、年輕,並強化免疫系統。玫瑰能夠回春、緊實、紓緩肌膚,改善肌膚發炎現象,並可收縮微血管。洋甘菊則是高效抗敏物質,改善肌膚敏感、修護破裂及擴張的微血管。(70ml 原價1280元) 揪團大量團購(5支以上,含5支)另有優惠喔! 成分:橙花、薰衣草、乳香天竺葵、玫瑰、花梨木、迷迭香、玫瑰果油、蠟菊、洋甘菊、復活草、酪梨、雷公根


UV Protector 保濕防曬隔離霜

This ultra-light physical sunscreen protects your skin against UV rays and dirty air, creates a pore-free finish and moisturizes your skin, causing your skin to radiate and shine

質地清爽的物理性防曬隔離在調整膚色的同時,隔離紫外光及空氣髒污對肌膚的傷害 深層保溼潤澤並修飾毛孔與暗沉




Hydrating And Balancing Toner

With extracts from natural herbal essence, this toner hydrates and tones your skin effectively, keeping your skin perfect and ready to absorb the nutrients of your skin care products. It also effectively and efficiently calms and soothes problematic skin due to sunburn and itchiness.



成分: 洋甘菊、金縷梅、金盞花、天然保濕因子



Hydrating And Balancing Make-up Remover Lotion

This make-up remover gently dissolves all the makeup and dirt on your face, even the hard-to-remove eye makeup, completely cleansing your skin, so that your skin can breathe. Its natural ingredients also condition and moisturize your skin while cleansing. It’s great for you to use daily.






保濕平衡潔面膠Hydrating And Balancing Cleansing Gel

This cleansing gel thoroughly yet gently cleanses your skin, removes excess sebum, and refines the look of pores on your skin, so that your skin feels refreshing and comfortable. With its natural herbal ingredients, this gel make your skin relax and remain in a balanced state.









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